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Monsignor Dharmakittimaythi from Rajadhivas Viharm Temple to be a speaker students to prepare the readiness as well as promote students ethnics before doing an internship and working

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2019-09-11 15:15:59

On Monday 29 April 2019, the Industrial Management Major, the Faculty of Industrial Technology, led by Dr. Sawai Siritongthaworn, the Head of Industrial Management Major, held the ethics-for-work training for the third-year Industrial Management students to prepare the readiness as well as promote students ethnics before doing an internship and working after they graduated. The training was honored by Monsignor Dharmakittimaythi from Rajadhivas Viharm Temple to be a speaker in preaching at Room 4711, the Faculty of Industrial Technology. This training benefited the students to understand and experience how to well behave in a workplace to be promoted into a labor market in the future. In addition, the training also illustrated that the dharma always presents around us.

           The participating third-year students gave feedback on this training that besides working effectively, there were other 10 factors contributing the success. Furthermore, students perceived principles of working which was advantageous to the readiness for doing an internship as well as for working in the industrial management areas in the future. Additionally, the result of satisfaction towards this training illustrated that there was a very good level of satisfaction.
